Pest Control

Our goal is high-quality sanitary services

Our task is to solve your problems

And it does not matter – whether you need to protect your home from pests or you need to ensure the sanitary well-being of your company – we will always help you and organize a full pest control; in the shortest time possible with all the modern requirements.

Conduct events with Pest Control conducted according to standards НАССР, ISO 22 000, NPMA, AIB, IFS/BRC та ДСТУ ISO 22 000:2007

To protect the plots of land, lawns, football fields, courts, etc. from the inflammatory moles, we use highly effective modern methods of deterrence.

We also have a wide range of purchases of mechanical, electronic and chemical pest control (mice, rat, rodenticide containers, flying insect bulbs, scaring animals and rodents, rodenticides, insecticides, etc.)

Pest Control is carried out according to HACCP, ISO 22000, NPMA, AIB, IFS/BRC and DSTU ISO 22 000: 2007 standards.

To protect the plots of land, lawns, football fields, courts, etc. from the inflammatory moles, we use highly effective modern methods of deterrence.

We also have a wide range of mechanical, electronic and chemical pest control products (mosquito nets, rat rats, rodenticide containers, flying insect bulbs, scaring animals and rodents, rodenticides, insecticides, etc.)

Myths about disinsection and deratization

For many years, we have repeatedly had to face the most unexpected mistakes in the field of disassembly. Here are the most common ones:

Myth 1:

When disinsection used harmful drugs with a strong odor

To date, large companies in their work use high-quality imported drugs of the last generation that have undergone appropriate tests. These preparations are not odorous, and in particular, intended for use in hospitals, children’s and preschool establishments, hotels, catering establishments, food industry enterprises, etc.

Myth 2:

Get rid of pests can be on their own

This is the most common mistake!

Acquiring a store and using household appliances will not save you from pests, but only delay the call to the Pest Control  for some time. Household pest control, as a rule, can not destroy the entire population of insects and rodents on the site, but only reduce their number. In this regard, after a while, pests will appear again – and so to infinity! The peculiarity of professional drugs, and most importantly, the professional approach and, in some cases, constant control, is the guarantee of 100% destruction of pests at the site, as a result of which the disinfection company gives a guarantee that insects and rodents do not appear again. After all, are there hospitals? So, only the pharmacies themselves are not enough? …

Myth 3:

We will come with a rough and additionally drunk master

Every self-respecting company carries out a thorough selection of employees, aimed at raising and maintaining a high level of customer service. Therefore, today’s work is carried out by highly skilled and polite employees. The service sector no longer tolerates rudeness or courtesy.

Myth 4:

After the disinsection there are stains and traces

Thanks to the use of up – to – date technologies, equipment and high – quality professional tools in the process, we are able to 100% protect our customers from any consequence of processing, including traces and spots.

Myth 5:

Solve the problem with pests for a penny

Expenditures on modern imported drugs, skilled work of professional experts and craftsmen-disinfectors make disinfection measures very cheap. There are a lot of companies on the market that offer such measures at false prices. But know – using the services of these companies, you are exposing yourself and your relatives to the huge risk associated with the use of cheap and poor quality drugs that do not have the appropriate certificates and, as a consequence, dangerous to humans and pets. Remember the wise proverb “Miser pays twice”. After all, paying for doubtful savings has health, and not only its!

Myth 6:

Closed on a sanitary day. And this is the corresponding losses

Due to the fact that the production department of our company operates 24 hours a day, our specialists will come to you at any time convenient for you, which allows you to do all the work without closing the object on a sanitary day.

Myth 7:

After deratization, smell of dead rodents

Our goal is not only to destroy rodents – this is practically impossible to achieve by all 100%. In our work our company uses modern methods of Deratization, preventive measures, mechanical and electronic means. And if chemical methods of extermination are used, then this is only an additional measure. In this case, we use modern professional tools based on the latest scientific developments. After eating rodents with such poisonous drugs, they suffer oxygen starvation, as a result of which the pest aspires to the street and dies outside the premises. Also, in all such means, the content of mummifiers must be present, which makes it impossible to decompose rodent corpses. In addition, our specialist arsenal has special tools for finding dead animals.

We are glad to welcome you on our site. Sure you have made the right choice!


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в Україні,
яка почала працювати за європейськими стандартами

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яка є доступною в особистому кабінеті контрагента

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у сфері Pest Control

Ексклюзивні представники
багатьох європейських фірм в Україні

Проведення заходів з контролю шкідників (Pest Control) проводиться за стандартами НАССР, ISO 22 000, NPMA, AIB, IFS/BRC та ДСТУ ISO 22 000:2007

Для захисту присадибних ділянок, газонів, футбольних полів, кортів тощо від надокучливих кротів, ми застосовуємо високоефективні сучасні методи відлякування.

Також у нас є широкий асортимент для придбання механічних, електронних та хімічних засобів боротьби із шкідниками (мишоловки, щуроловки, контейнери для родентицидів, лампи для знищення літаючих комах, відлякувачі тварин та гризунів, родентициди, інсектициди і т.д.)

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